Here at the Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust we understand that your loved ones come first and foremost when deciding who to provide for in your Will. We wouldn't want it any other way.
However, having a Will is also a wonderful opportunity to both help and remember a cause that you feel strongly about.
Gifts in Wills are the biggest gifts we will ever receive. Quite simply, without the kindness and generosity of the people who have helped us in this special way we could not help as many people suffering with the pain of Arthritis and a lack of mobility get their lives back to normal.
A gift to the Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust in your Will, no matter how big or small, will not only help us to continue to provide much-needed medical equipment, it will also bring hope as you will helping us to fund specialist research with a view to improving treatment in the longer term.
With your help, we get closer and closer to our goal of enabling everyone with Arthritis in Gloucestershire, no matter what their age, to have the very best care available.
By leaving GAT a gift in your Will we can continue transforming the lives of people living with the pain of Arthritis. We cannot do this without your generous support. A gift in your Will helps us to continue to:
If you are making a Will for the first time there are a number of steps you need to follow - it is best to think this through before you visit the Solicitor as it will save you time and money.
GAT would always recommend that you use a Solicitor to have your Will drafted or updated. It is relatively inexpensive and the cost is well worth the peace of mind that comes from having a properly drafted and executed Will, which minimises the potential for dispute over your estate. You can obtain a list of Solicitors in your area that specialise in Wills and Probate by using the free search engine on the Law Society website. Go to and click on the 'Find a Solicitor' button.
If you decide you would like to include a gift to the Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust, you need to know our Registered Charity Number and address, which must be written into your Will. Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust Parkside Cheltenham General Hospital Sandford Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7AN Registered Charity Number: 288346
There are three main types of gift you can leave. We have outlined these for you below as well as providing some examples of wording which may help your Solicitor and that will ensure your gift is used in the way you wanted.
The residue is what is left over in your estate once all debts, expenses and specified gifts to friends and family have been paid. Many people prefer to leave either the whole or a share of the estate to charity, as it enables them to ensure that their loved ones are properly cared for first and foremost before the charity benefits.
Wording for a residuary gift:
"I give (__%) of the residue of my real and personal estate which I can dispose of by Will in any manner I think proper to the Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust (Registered Charity Number 288346) of Parkside, Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL53 7AN, to be applied to the general purpose of the said charity. The receipt of the Treasurer, or other proper officer of the said charity shall be complete discharge to my Executors."
You choose a lump sum that you would like to be given to the charity. This type of gift needs careful thought. Too big an amount and there may not be enough left in your estate to pay out the gift, too small an amount and the effect of inflation might reduce it to a level below your planned generosity.
Wording for a cash gift:
"I give the sum of £____ to the Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust (Registered Charity Number 288346) of Parkside, Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7AN, to be applied to the general purpose of the said charity. The receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said charity shall be complete discharge to my Executors."
The gift of a particular item, for example a residential property, share portfolio, or personal possession such as a painting, car or jewellery.
Wording for a specific gift:
"I give my (description of item being given) to the Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust (Registered Charity Number 288346) of Parkside, Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7AN, to be applied to the general purposes of the said charity. The receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said charity shall be complete discharge to my Executors."
If you are happy with your existing Will and simply want to add a gift to the Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust, you can update your Will with a codicil. A codicil is a supplement to your Will that enables you to make simple changes or additions to it. We advise that you contact your Solicitor before executing a codicil and they can help you to decide if this is a suitable option.
Any gift, large or small, will help us to continue to improve the lives of people suffering with Arthritis. However, a gift to our charity is also free of Inheritance Tax. Therefore it could also help to reduce the amount of Inheritance Tax payable on your estate. Inheritance Tax is currently set at 40% of everything above £325,000 and when all is added together you may be surprised by how much your estate is worth. Your estate includes your saving accounts, home, stocks and shares, private pension, insurance policies etc.
From 6th April 2012, anyone leaving at least 10% of their net taxable estate to charity will qualify for a reduced rate of Inheritance Tax of 36% rather than 40%. Find out more about Inheritance Tax and charitable giving by speaking to a Solicitor.
Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust
Cheltenham General Hospital,
Sandford Road,
GL53 7AN
Telephone: 01242 221005
Contact UsEmail: Phone: 01242 221005 Address: Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust,
© Copyright 2018 Gloucestershire Arthritis Trust Registered Charity 288346 |